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Alloy Electrode

Manufacturer of a wide range of products which include copper bonded electrode, copper bonded earthing electrode, maintenance free earthing electrode, copper earthing electrode, pure copper earthing electrode and gel earthing rod.

Product Details:
Brand Trustpower
Electrode Material Galvanized Iron
Electrode Type Anode


Pipe Size Inner Strip Size Length Terminal Size Terminal
50 mm 25X6 2 mtr 50×6 G.I
50 mm 25X3 (Copper) 2 mtr 50×6 Copper
50 mm 25X6 3 mtr 50×6 G.I.
50 mm 25X3 (Copper) 3 mtr 50×6 Copper
50 mm 50X3 2 mtr 50×6 G.I.
50 mm 50X3 (Copper) 2 mtr 50×6 Copper
50 mm 50X3 3 mtr 50×6 G.I.
50 mm 25X3 (Copper) 3 mtr 50×6 Copper


